【 RNI-HIN/2013/51580 】
【 RNI-MPHIN/2009/31101 】
26 Aug 2022
Anam Ibrahim
दिल्ली: आज का काला दिन क़ानून के कलेजे में दर्द भरता नज़र आ रहा है। भारत का सबसे बड़ा झूठ ये है कि क़ानून सबके लिए बराबर है तो वहीं ये भी हिंदुस्तान का सबसे बड़ा सच है कि गर बंदा इंसाफ़ हासिल करने की ख़्वाइस व अज़्म ईरादे पर अड़ जाए तो इंसाफ़ हासिल कर ही लेता है, आज देश की इन्साफ़गाह सुप्रीमकोर्ट के इंसाफपरस्त पत्रकारों के हिमायती Honourable Chief Justice of India एन वी रमना जी की जुदाई का रंज बढ़ी शिद्दत से हो रहा है। सियासत से दूरी बनाकर पेगासेस पर सवाल उठाने वाले CJI का आज आख़री दिन है। जहां एक और उनके रिटायरमेंट पर एक बड़ा तपका ग़मगीन है तो वहीं उनके द्वारा कई नही लिए गए कई फेसलो पर सवाल खड़े करने वाले।
वतन-ए-हिन्द के इंसाफ के मरकज़ के मुखिया की मुक़म्मल ख़बर पढ़ने के लिए लिंक पर क्लिक करें।
New Delhi: “Judicial review of legislative and executive actions is an integral part of the constitutional scheme. I would go as far as to state that it is the heart and soul of the Indian Constitution. In my humble view, in the absence of judicial review, people's faith in our Constitution would have diminished.”
This is what Chief Justice of India N V Ramana said on 23 July 2022, during one of at least 29 lectures he delivered over the course of his 16-month tenure as India’s top judge.
Yet, during Ramana’s time as Chief Justice, the Supreme Court did not exercise this power of judicial review in 53 cases requiring a constitution bench, which comprises five or more judges and deliberates on cases of constitutional significance; and in several other cases that do not require a constitution bench but are with widespread ramifications and of national importance.
Challenges to these 53 cases saw no progress in Ramana’s Court, much like in his predecessors’ courts. Similarly, little or no progress was apparent in other cases that we analysed. Of these pending cases, we identified six:
—the abrogation of Article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir (pending for 1,115 days)
—a challenge to electoral bonds for being opaque and encouraging murky political funding (1,816 days)
—a Karnataka government ban on the hijab for Muslim students in government educational institutions (159 days)
—a Union government reservation policy based only on economic criteria and not caste factors (1,323 days)
—a challenge to the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA), 1967, widely criticised as a tool to quell dissent (1105 days)
—a challenge to the Citizenship Amendment Act, 2019, which provides fast track citizenship to only non-Muslims from three neighbouring countries (987 days)
As “master of the roster”, the Chief Justice is empowered to constitute such benches, including constitution benches, decide cases they will hear, and assign cases to specific benches. When cases are not listed for hearing, said experts, the responsibility lies with the Chief Justice.
Only one constitution bench of five judges was constituted by Chief Justice Ramana. In September 2021, that bench heard a curative petition (final stage for review of a judgement) relating to a dispute over contractual obligations between the Gujarat Urja Vikas Nigam Ltd, a state electricity regulator, and Adani Power (Mundra) Limited, a power generation company. The case ended five months later in February 2022 in an out-of-court settlement.
On 22 August 2022, four days before his retirement, Ramana said that he had constituted a five-judge constitution bench to hear a legal dispute that reached the Supreme Court in 2018 between the Delhi government and the union government over control over administrative services in the national capital. Hearings have not yet started.
There were other issues relating to the higher judiciary that Chief Justice Ramana failed to pursue, such as long-standing demands for reforms, transparency in the collegium system of picking high court and Supreme Court and judges; a more transparent system of listing cases, live-streaming of court proceedings; and fixing criteria for selection of judges.
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