अख़बार की दुनिया मे बेबाक़ी का सबसे बड़ा कलेजा

【 RNI-HIN/2013/51580 】
【 RNI-MPHIN/2009/31101 】


Hypocrites Looting Money From Innocent People In Name of Religion': Madhya Pradesh High Court Denies Anticipatory Bail To Priest's Wife

31 Dec 2022

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Jabalpur: The High Court of Madhya Pradesh, Indore Bench recently denied anticipatory bail to a priest's wife in a case of extortion and criminal breach of trust.

While rejecting the application, Justice Anil Verma lamented at the practice of looting money from people in the name of religion.

"Now a days, such a harsh position is often seen in the society that many hypocrites are looting money of innocent people in the name of religion and they are cheating them and also destroying them. Such type of cheaters are stigma in the name of religion. The society should beware of such treacherous people. In view of the prima facie evidence available on record, this court is not inclined to grant anticipatory bail to the applicant."

The applicant Lavina has been accused of offences punishable under Section 386, 406, 120-B IPC in the case registered at Heera Nagar Police Station Of Indore district. As per the prosecution, the complainant had entrusted her ornaments with the husband of the applicant, who is a priest, for keeping them "in a safe manner".

However, he along with the applicant mortgaged some ornaments in Muthoot Finance Corp and Ridhi Sidhi Jewellers on the basis of an agreement but thereafter he did not return either the amount or the jewellery to her. Thus, the case was registered against the applicant and co-accused.

It noted that the she, along with her husband misused their position and betrayed the trust of the complainant:

"Considering all the facts and circumstances of the case, arguments advanced by both the parties, nature and gravity of allegation it is revealed that although promissory note was executed by husband of present applicant but it is signed by applicant as a witness, it is also gathered that present applicant being a Gurumata and her husband being a religious priest misused their position and betrayed the complainant by breaching their trust and by grabbing the golden and silver ornaments and cash amount of complainant."



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