अख़बार की दुनिया मे बेबाक़ी का सबसे बड़ा कलेजा

【 RNI-HIN/2013/51580 】
【 RNI-MPHIN/2009/31101 】


'Not even a chocolate bar or a bag of milk can be sold from a liquor shop' - says Rakesh Kurmi of Excise Dept Bhopal; sparks controversy between alcohol & milk

07 Feb 2023

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Bhopal: Liquor contractor Santok Singh had set up a handcart near Jahangirabad liquor shop to sell milk, also putting a banner on it and gave the message that alcohol is injurious to health, so consume milk. The Excise staff reached Santok's shop on Saturday evening with a mob and closed down the milk shop. Earlier, a liquor contractor had started selling milk from the liquor shop itself, near Savarkar Setu on Narmadapuram Road, had put up banners and posters. Excise officials also threatened him and not only stopped the sale of milk, but also tore away the banners and posters related to awareness.

Information was received by liquor contractors about giving free milk bag along with liquor and feeding a glass of milk from the shop. According to the rules, only liquor can be sold from the shop, apart from this, a bag of milk or even a chocolate cannot be sold. For this reason, taking action, they have been closed. On the other hand, if any milk stall is set up outside the liquor shop or any other material is sold, no action can be taken by Excise.

- Rakesh Kurmi, Incharge Assistant Excise Commissioner, District Bhopal

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